In this article, we’ll dive into the ways that top earning sales people (in a variety of industries) can use video to increase commissions. Articles like these are quite long – so hopefully you find it valuable! If you do, the greatest honor would be if...
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Filmmakers Inspired by Steven Covey’s book – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – this is a book review and adaptation we are calling “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Filmmakers” WHAT MADE ME CHOOSE TO...
Have you really thought about how important the right song is to a moment? Perhaps you’ve heard that music is the foundation of any great video – perhaps second by the story you’re telling. We all know that music is important to a scene – but...
Storytelling for Video Marketing There are so many different ways to do video marketing. Our most successful online video marketing strategies for 2022 all relate to storytelling. Whether that’s the story of a brand, a product, a service, a location, a person,...
[Summary] Donald Miller’s StoryBrand Workshop, Book, Podcast, and more. Notes / Essay by Noah Anttila Every business has a brand story with characters, challenges, and potential outcomes whether good or bad. The power of brand stories comes from the...
Question: What is the best strategy for ranking Youtube videos? Answer: My best strategy for ranking Youtube videos is all about 2 things: saturation and conversion. 1) You want to saturate your video content in all the ways possible. Be sure to fill out the title,...